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On the web site are presented certificates issued by Slovenská legálna metrológia (Notified body N° 1432).
With effect from 26.06.2012 the certificates (module B, D and H1) issued after 26.06.2012 are valid only if they bear the signature and stamp of the notified body, holographic label and QR code.

Before the searching you have to choose the way of searching by offered criteria:

Type of certificate

Alphabetic sorting of certificates by the type of the certificate


Alphabetic sorting of certificates by the names of companies - manufacturers of measuring instruments

Instruments category

Alphabetical sorting by the type of the measuring instrument

Any comments concerning the information contained in the lists should be addressed on

On WEB SITE CERTIFIKATY.SK are official presented certificates issued by Slovak authorized/notified bodies according to Act No. 264 of 7 September 1999 on technical requirements for products and on conformity assessment and on change and amendment of some Acts in the wording of Act No. 436/2001 Coll. and Act No.254/2003 Coll. and Governmental ordinances of the SR under Act 264/1999 Coll. , which transpose into the Slovak legislation New Approach Directives.